Saturday, January 17, 2009

build on mlk day

if anyone can come out on monday to work on the bot(s), it would be greatly appreciated. I'm gonna leave here around 8:30. I can pick up just about anyone within reason who needs a ride, but if you have to drive yourselves then plan to be there at like 9-ish.

7575 commerce ct
sarasota fl

we'll probably leave by 2:30


Anonymous said...

I will probably be there, and will probably be driving my dad's Tahoe, since my "ricer" (1999 Corolla) decided to suddenly become barely drivable (It wants to stall when switching gears) :( Love how everyone bashes Chevy and praises Toyota when in reality, my Corolla has many problems and my dad's 2002 Chevy Tahoe with twice the mileage has had...none.

Dan Curhan said...

fun fun. good. I don't know why you're the only one who wants to come out... My 03 honda has 100k on it and has never had an issue...

If you live anywhere near me or on my way there I can drive you if you want...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the offer, but I barely ever get to drive my dad's cool 300HP SUV so I will take it instead, lol.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I thought I would be free but I have some stuff to do and won't be able to make it.

robert said...

sorry for the late response but I'm stuck with family on Monday.... wish i could come =/